Тим за професионални развој школске 2021-22.године радио је на два е –Twinning пројекта, и недавно су стигле честитке за труд и рад , и Ознаке квалитета са коментарима
- Честитамо! Управо вам је додељена Ознака квалитета за пројекат Career Workshop.
This is a very well organized project which shows good digital and language skills of the teacher and the students. The best feature of the project is a good TwinSpace with a good project diary. It shows all the necessary details about the learning activities, products, dissemination, evaluation. The creativity of the process is very prominent. All the documentation is clear and the project can be followed from the first to the last stage of its process. There is never too much time to spend on doing dissemination through local newspaper, or well curated blog, as it is a good way to promote eTwinning to non-participants.
- Честитамо! Управо вам је додељена Ознака квалитета за пројекат my job, my future.
The project connects students from several vocational schools, with the intention of developing the skills needed for their future work. The project has clear goals that are achieved through structured activities and the creation of work products. Students have the opportunity to actively apply the acquired knowledge (simulation of interviews, presentation of professions). Good cooperation was achieved between students of the same school. It is recommended to improve cooperation and better interaction between students from partner schools. Students of this age can easily organize themselves to communicate directly through forums or online meetings, to agree, discuss and work together to create final products.
У оба пројекта ангажовали су се ученици трећег и четвртог разреда обе смене, ученици професорке Бојане Станкић. Радећи тимски, континуирано, у врло динамичном ритму, са пуно занимљивих активности и изазова, стицали су многа знања, вештине и искуства који су потребни за професионални развој сваког појединца у 21.веку.
Bojana_cw ucenici_cw Bojana_mjmf ucenici_mjmf